Ituna Health Care Center & Ituna Pioneer Lodge
The Ituna Health Care Center & Pioneer Lodge consist of a 35 bed special care home plus 3 ‘Flex’ care beds; 1 for Palliative care, 1 Transitional care (waiting for longer term care within district) and 1 Respite Care bed (convalescing).
Ituna Pioneer Lodge
The Ituna Pioneer Lodge is a long term care service which strives to provide an environment in which individuals can achieve and maintain as high a level of independence and life satisfaction as possible, while maintaining the dignity and worth, rights and privileges of each resident. The facility provides accommodation, programs and services which have as a goal to maintain an optimal level of functioning and where possible to facilitate a return to the community.
The Ituna Pioneer Lodge offers:
*Single resident rooms *Respite and multipurpose rooms * "Home-made" meals
*Visiting Physician once a week
*Local clergy visit on weekday mornings for church services *Chaplain - St. Paul Lutheran Home ( Melville) visits monthly
*Formal Activity Program daily Monday to Friday *Group and individual activities Thursday & Friday evenings

Ituna Health Care Centre
The Health Center houses the following offices and appointments can be made by calling (306) 795 2471
*Physician Clinics - Call 306 795 2471 to book an appointment
*Public Health Nurse - Once a month - Call 306 795 2471 for appointments
*Speech Therapist
*Saul Cohen Counsellor
In addition the Health Care Center offers:
- Lab & X-Ray Facilities - Monday - Thursday - 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m
For OPD/Emergency please visit:
- Melville & District Health Centre -306 728 7330
- Yorkton Regional Health Centre -306 786 0470
- Balcarres Integrated Care Centre -306 334 2634
Home Care Services
Home Care Office - Assessment & Co-ordination - Home Care Services are available to provide nursing care, personal care, home management, meal and volunteer services to seniors able to live in their own homes but needing some assistance. Call 306 795 2911 for further information.
Nursing Services - Upon referral by your physician - Monday to Friday 8 a.m to 4 p.m (306) 795 2911
Wellness Clinics
- Blood pressure checks and health information held at the Ituna Senior Centre on the last Tuesday of each month ( No clinics in December, July or August)
Ituna Pioneer Health Center is a part of the Sunrise Health Care Region
Box 130
Ituna, SK S0A 1N0
Phone: (306) 795 2622
Health Line - 1 877 800 0002
Emergency - 911