Public Library
The Ituna Branch of the Parkland Regional Library is located at 24 1st St. NE, where the bright, comfortable surroundings and the ground floor access are an enticement to patrons. The Library is also the home of the Community Access Program (CAP) where residents have free access to the world wide web to find information and to use e-mail. Assistance is available.
Visit the Parkland Regional Library Website for access to the online Library catalog, databases, book information, genealogy resources, math and science tutoring, talking books, and other valuable and educational information.
The Ituna Branch of the Parkland Regional Library celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2010.
Library and CAP site hours
Effective September 2022:
Library Hours
Tuesday: 10:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 10:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Thursday:10:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Librarian: Shelley Harrick
Phone: 306-795-2672
Ituna Museum
The Ituna & District Museum was organized in 1971 as a Homecoming Project of the Ituna Recreation Board. The first curator was Helen Leonard, assisted by organizers Anne (Fred) Buchko, Nettie Zuch, and Helen Howat. Their efforts have kept Ituna history and culture alive through the museum.
On November 25, 2015, the Ituna & District Museum received funding from Community Initiative Fund, Community Places and Spaces Program in the value of $9.800.00. The Ituna & District Museum matched this amount to rehabilitate current building to increase awareness of community history. Within this funding program, the Ituna & District Museum will purchase and install a new furnace, add insulation to the attic and upgrade electrical and lightning in the museum.
A 2010 Centennial Project of the Museum was a Cookbook "A Spoonful of Love and a Cupful of Memories". The Cookbook helps to defray operating expenses and contains many traditional recipes.
In June, 2015, The Ituna & District Museum received funding from the Employment and Social Development Canada, Enabling Accessibility Fund at total value of $33,317.24. Two Thirds $21,715.00 will be received from the funders and the Ituna & District Museum matched the 1/3 share at $11602.24, This grant was used to retrofit the front and back of the former library entrances to be wheelchair accessible and to build a wheelchair accessible bathroom.
The Museum is currently open from July 18th to August 26th, 2022. The items were donated by various people who are from Ituna and Area.
Museum Hours
Monday: 1:00- 4:00 Thursday: 1:00- 4:00 Friday: 9:00-4:00
The Museum has now moved to a new location on 303 Main St. N.