
Ituna Transit Van

The Town of Ituna owns and operates a Transit Service that is the envy of many communities our size. For the economical price of four dollars, our 14-passenger Crestline Van provides transportation to the general public.  You can be picked up at your home and taken to as many different stops around town as you need to as long as you do not return home.

The Transit Service provides transportation to groups and organizations that contract with us to provide their transportation needs at specific times of the day. These clients will have priority. During the school year, we provide transportation for children to and from school. You can also reserve a time to be picked up and we will honor that request.
ltuna Transit and its' drivers are for providing Transportation. You will need to be able to get from your home to the bus and off and into whatever business or location you are going to.

If you are having problems with mobility you will need to have a "Caregiver" ride with you, compliments of the Town of ltuna. You also need to understand that if you for any reason you happen to lose your balance and fall, coming to the Van, getting off of the Van, or while on the Van, our staff will call 911. We do not know why you fell. It may have been a trip or something more serious and we would need medical advice before we assist you in getting up.
When you go grocery shopping our drivers will be able to help you carry up to four bags of groceries. However, if you plan to avail yourself of the sales opportunities presented by local Grocers you will need someone to help you carry your groceries or make arrangements with the store to deliver them.
Our drivers are not responsible to go and get your mail, or prescriptions.


Monday - Friday: 7:30a.m. - 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon - 4:30 p.m.

