Ituna School
Ituna School is a modern, newly upgraded K-12 facility. With approximately 205 students enrolled, a teaching staff of 15 and support staff of 8, Ituna School plays an active and vital role in the life of our community.

The Ituna School offers a full program of core subjects and electives and features two networked computer labs, home economics and science labs, library and gymnasium facilities.
An active Physical Education and extra-curricular program allows students to participate in a variety of team sports including basketball, volleyball and curling and badminton. In addition students can participate in drama, Student Representative Council activities and yearbook activities.
Staff and students continue to display innovation, dedication and a willingness to grow in their school lives.
Ituna School provides more information about the school in its website, including resources for parents, teachers and students, career information, extra-curricular activities, calendar of events, semester timetable, and student links and links to classrooms. Visit the Ituna School Website.
Ituna Playschool
Facebook Contact - Kit Repko - Call (306)-331-4208
The playschool room is located within the Ituna School.
Children must be 3 or 4 years old as of December 31st and MUST be toilet trained.
The registration fee is $90.00 a month.
Classes run from September to June.
Early Childhood Centre/Daycare
Wish Upon a Star Early Learning Centre Inc.
Contact - Didi Flores (306) 795-2728 or 639-928-7728 (cell phone)
Operational - Monday to Friday 7:00 am to 6:00 pm
The licensed government-subsidized daycare has openings for 25 children from infant up to age 12.
Our staff are required to have completed or be in the process of completing Early Childhood Education classes, as well as each staff member is required to have First Aid and CPR.
Our daycare is structured with many planned activities for each age. Children accepted at the centre can either be full-time, part-time, or casual.